Read This - Tips to Save Yourself!
Posted by Unknown at 11:27 PM
A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts :
1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed . They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair . Women with short hair are not common targets.
2) The second thing men look for is clothing .. They will look for women who's clothing is easy to remove quickly . Many of them carry scissors around specifically to cut clothing.
3) They also look for women on their cell phone , searching through their purse or doing other activities while walking because they are off guard and can be easily overpowered.
4) Men are most likely to attack & rape in the early morning, between 5: 00a.m. and 8:30a.m.
5) The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery store parking lots . Number two is office parking lots/garages Number three is public restrooms
6) The thing about these men is that they are looking to grab a woman and quickly move her to another location where they don't have to worry about getting caught.
7) Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape carries a 3-5 year sentence but rape with a weapon is 15-20 years.
8) If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you isn't worth it because it will be time-consuming ..
9) These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects that can be used from a distance, in their hands. Keys are not a deterrent because you have to get really close to the attacker to use them as a weapon. So, the idea is to convince these guys you're not worth it.
10) Several defense mechanisms he taught us are: If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question, like what time is it, or make general small talk: "I can't believe it is so cold out here", "we're in for a bad winter." Now you've seen their face and could identify them in a line-up; you lose appeal as a target.
11) If someone is coming toward you , hold out your hands in front of you and yell STOP or STAY BACK ! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
12) If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes,) yell I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
13) If someone grabs you , you can't beat them with Strength but you can by outsmarting them . If you are grabbed around the waist from behind, pinch the attacker either under the arm (between the elbow and armpit) OR in the upper inner thigh VERY VERY HARD . One woman in a class this guy taught told him she used the underarm pinch on a guy who was trying to date rape her and was so upset she broke through the skin and tore out muscle strands - the guy needed stitches. Try pinching yourself in those places as hard as you can stand it; it hurts.
14) After the initial hit, always GO for the GROIN. I know from a particularly unfortunate experience that if you slap a guy's parts it is extremely painful You might think that you'll anger the guy and make him want to hurt you more, but the thing these rapists told our instructor is that they want a woman who will not cause a lot of trouble. Start causing trouble and he's out of there.
15) When the guy puts his hands up to you , grab his first two fingers and bend them back as far as possible with as much pressure pushing down on them as possible!. The instructor did it to me without using much pressure, and I ended up on my knees and both knuckles cracked audibly.
16) Of course the things we always hear still apply. Always be aware of your surroundings , take someone with you if you can and if you see any odd behavior, don't dismiss it, go with your instincts!!!
You may feel a little silly at the time, but you'd feel Much worse if the guy really was trouble.
1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!
2.Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans . If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM .. Toss it away from you....chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.. The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
4.Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc. DON'T DO THIS!) The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.
a. If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF, repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
5. A few! notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware: look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor, and in the back seat.
B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car From the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a uard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead..)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, LWAYS RUN! The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.. RUN, preferably in a zig-zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP. It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.. H e walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.
************* Here it is *******
9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.
The police told her "Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door."
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over.. The policeman said, "We already have a unit on the way, whatever you do, DO NOT open the door." He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it! , but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.
Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby ----This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby theory was mentioned on America's Most Wanted this past Saturday when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana.
5 Tips to Achieve High Metabolism for Weight Loss
Posted by Unknown at 11:10 PM
A person with a high metabolism will burn off more calories than someone with a low metabolism. Overweight people tend to have slower metabolic rate due to their fat cells that consumes energy. One more important thing that we have to keep in mind is that people who have more muscle than body fat will achieve a higher metabolism. This is because muscle alone is capable of burning off calories more efficiently than fat. This is how you can lose extra weight. So the key to lose weight is to really build more muscle mass to achieve higher metabolism.
A high metabolic rate can burn more calories, even when doing the simplest activity such as cleaning the house or washing the dishes. To achieve this, there are a few effective tips which can be put into practice to attain a higher metabolism in order to lose weight and they are as follows:
Exercising is a major part in achieving a high metabolism. Aerobic exercise is a cardiovascular activity which will increase the metabolism temporarily. Whereas resistance training such as weight lifting will build more lean muscle and speeds up metabolism for hours and hours even after the workout. The more muscle mass your body have, the more calories it will be burning. A combination of both exercises is needed to gain more muscle and less fat, and the outcome would be a higher metabolic rate for your body. A word of advice, before beginning both of the exercises, one should start off with resistance training first and then followed by an aerobic exercise.

Image source:
2.Avoid starving the body
Most people seem to think that if they don’t eat, they will lose weight quickly. This is an incorrect perception. On the contrary, if you don’t eat anything or deprive yourself of adequate consumption of food, your body might think that you are starving yourself. This means that the body will conserve more energy to prepare for this starvation mode. In simple word, depriving your body of food will encourage it to “save” more calories rather than to “burn” it. The end result is your metabolism will become much slower. Eat moderately and with a balance diet. You will notice positive results more quickly.

3.Don’t’ forget to eat breakfast
Breakfast is the most necessary meal of the day. You won’t increase your metabolic rate if you skip this meal. Rather it will just slow it down. Eating a well balanced breakfast will boost your metabolism and keeps you energetic for the whole day. You don’t have to eat heavy meal during breakfast, a simple meal that consists of oatmeal, a banana and a glass of milk would be sufficient. The secret to eating in order to lose weight is to eat up to 5-6 meals a day but within smaller portion.

4.Drink plenty of water
Drinking a lot of plain water is beneficial to your health. It can also speeds up weight loss. A sufficient amount of water will greatly assist the effectiveness of metabolism in burning fat. This is because the energy burning process of metabolism needs adequate and plenty of water to function properly. Furthermore, research has proven that drinking 8 glasses or more water each day is essential for the well being of your health and can additionally boosts the metabolism process.

Image source:
5. A good night sleep is essential
You’ll be surprise to know that even when we are sleeping, our metabolism is also working. This is because our body is using up energy to perform other functions of the body while it sleeps such as breathing and making the heart beat. Research has shown that the body will burn around 60 calories per hour while it sleeps. Therefore, always remind yourself that not getting enough sleep will only slow down the metabolism. What’s more, if we are accustomed to sleeping late, we may feel hungry at the middle of the night, and this would eventually lead to late night eating. Hence, this habit will surely add in extra fat to the body. Not to mention that being sleep deprived would only make the body feel tired and unproductive. Experts have suggested that a normal person would require about 7-8 hours of sleeping in order to stay healthy and energized for the next day activities.

Remember that one of the key factors to achieving rapid weight loss is to boost the metabolism. A high metabolism will quickly burn off more fat calories and weight loss would be much faster. By combining all of the five tips stated above and a little bit of patience along with self-discipline, one will surely be successful in losing weight and attaining the perfect and ideal body they have always dreamed of.
Benefits of exercise to weight loss
Posted by Unknown at 11:07 PM
Numerous reports have cited that every little bit of exercise helps. Everyday, we are doing some form of exercise, whether we are aware of it or not. Do you know that cleaning the house, brisk walking or cycling is also a type of exercise that burns off calories? You just have to spend about 30 minutes a day to do these exercises. Apart from assisting in weight loss, exercise is also beneficial to maintain good health and to avoid numerous illnesses.
If you want to know more about how exercise can benefit weight loss and then some, please visit this site, Exercise Benefits Weight Loss and Beyond. It also contains some interesting perception about exercise from the woman and man’s point of view. I’m sure you will find the content’s very interesting and insightful. And I hope this will be the first step for you in starting a successful exercise regime for losing weight. Good luck!
Unwind with the healing power of sauna therapy
Posted by Unknown at 7:46 AM
In general, far infrared sauna is said to have many good effect to the well being of the human body. Some of its health benefits include reducing stress, detoxification, lower blood pressure, weight control and pain relief. Nowadays, because of its reasonable price, every individual can experience a relaxing therapeutic sauna in the comfort and privacy of their own home, without going to a spa. Therefore, try a sauna now for a more healthier lifestyle.
Gymnema to Assist in Weight Loss
Posted by Unknown at 10:19 AM
Not many of us realized that there is actually an alternative way to treat patients with diabetes or to assist in losing weight. Gymnema or Gymnema sylvestre is a vine-like plant which is mostly associated with Ayurvedic medicine. Gymnema has been widely used in India to treat the disease of diabetes mellitus. It is also said that the herb can help to control the level of blood sugar, thus making it easier to lose weight.
You may be wondering about how this herbal medicine works. Well, it works by suppressing the taste of sugary or sweet food taken in the oral cavity, thus reducing the metabolic effects of sugar and making it easier to control the blood sugar level. Today, Gymnema sylvestre can be taken in various forms and one of them is Gymnema Herbal Tea. This herbal tea should be taken one to two hours before eating in order for it to curb the sugary taste and work efficiently. Aside from the tea, there is also a Gymnema-capsule product available in selected pharmacies.
Not only it is useful as an alternative supplement for diabetic patients, moreover this herb can also be integrated into any weight-loss plan to make it easier to lose extra weight. If you are overweight (and plans to lose some weight), well this herbal medicine is definitely for you. Various studies have proven that controlling and lowering the blood sugar level in the body can greatly affect weight loss.
If you want to know more about Gymnema Herbal Tea, read a review about this product here. You won’t be disappointed.
Tags: Health Products
Metformin for PCOs
Posted by Unknown at 10:12 AM
If you have this disease, your doctor may prescribe a medicine called Metformin (Glucophage – brand name). Basically, metformin is used to alleviate the symptoms of PCOs in some women. Metformin is a drug which is used to control the blood sugar/glucose level and usually it is given to individuals suffering from Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Extensive research has revealed that metformin work by decreasing absorption of dietary carbohydrates through the intestines, reducing the production of glucose by the liver and increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. Thus, metformin (taken together with other medicine like Saw Palmetto Extract - SPE) can also help to promote weight loss for obese females diagnosed with the symptoms of PCO.
To sum it all, the basic function of metformin is to lower the insulin level, testosterone level and also the glucose level. But before taking this drug prescription, be sure to get some advice from your doctor about its benefit and also its side effect. If you want to know more about metformin, read about it in this review. Good luck!
Tags: Health Products
Benefit of saunas
Posted by Unknown at 3:04 PM
Besides helping with losing weight, far infrared sauna that penetrates deep into the muscle tissues has other immense benefit for the body. It can be used as a detoxification process where it eliminates harmful toxins in the body or used as a therapy to reduce stress, thus making you feel more relax. Sauna is also said to be beneficial in curing several health conditions such as joint stiffness, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness and a reduction in fatigue. Therefore, try a sauna now for a healthier lifestyle.
Book Review : The Volumetrics Weight-Control Plan
Posted by Unknown at 1:49 PM
Maybe you are curious to know about how on earth we can feel full while consuming only a satisying amount of food and still take in fewer calories? Well then, in order to know that, you have to understand the principle of energy density. An energy density of a food is the ratio of calories to the weight of food and this means that in general, portions that weighs more are also bigger in volume. For example, if you plan to consume 100 calories, you can eat a ¼ cup of raisins or nearly 2 cups of grapes.
Butter, which is a high- fat food, are very energy dense. Do you know that two teaspoons of butter have the same number of calories as a slice of bread? For example, you can choose to eat French bread with two teaspoons of butter with an energy density of 4.0 for one slice per serving; or on the other hand, you can eat French bread without butter with an energy density of 2.75 for two slice per serving. Always bear in mind that a high energy density food provides a large amount of calories in a small weight while a low energy density food tends to have fewer calories for the same weight. Therefore, make the right decision and choose wisely. Your weight is on the line.
What’s more, this book also explore the five major component of diet which is Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, Alcohol and Water and what they can do to your body. You can also make use of the energy density spectrum (including calories) for a wide variety of foods. These charts can be extremely useful to those who wishes to lose weight while eating more, and not eating less. To top it all, there is also a Menu Plan included in this book. You can create your own weight management program by referring to this helpful Menu Plan which is based on the principles of volumetrics. The authors offer 60 sensible, tasty, and easy recipes that includes an integrated program of exercise as well as behaviour management.
So, what are you waiting for? I suggest that you buy this book and make it a catalyst in assisting you in losing weight. Or your excess fat. Trust me, you have nothing to lose. Happy reading!
7 Perkara Yang Dilarang Selepas Makan, Berwaspadalah Bagi Mengekalkan Kesihatan
Posted by Unknown at 1:44 PM
2.Jangan terus memakan buah-buahan – Memakan buah-buahan sebaik sahaja selepas makan akan menyebabkan perut kembung kerana dimasuki angin. Oleh itu, makanlah buah-buahan 1- 2 jam selepas sesuatu hidangan atau 1 jam sebelumnya.
3.Jangan minum teh – Kerana daun teh mengandungi kandungan asid yang tinggi. Bahan ini boleh menyebabkan kandungan protein di dalam makanan yang dimakan akan menjadi keras, justeru ianya lebih sukar untuk dihadam
4.Jangan longgarkan tali pinggang anda – Melonggarkan tali pinggang sesudah makan dengan mudahnya akan menyebabkan usus berpusing dan amp tersekat
5.Jangan mandi - Mandi akan menyebabkan peningkatan aliran darah ke tangan, kaki dan badan, justeru jumlah darah disekeliling perut akan menurun. Ini akan melemahkan sistem penghadaman di dalam perut kita.
6.Jangan berjalan-jalan – Biasanya orang akan mengatakan bahawa berjalanlah seratus langkah sesudah makan dan anda akan hidup sehingga berusia 99 tahun. Hakikatnya, ini adalah tidak benar. Berjalan akan menyebabkan sistem penghadaman tidak berupaya untuk menyerap nutrien daripada makanan yang dimakan.
7.Jangan terus tidur – Makanan yang dimakan tidak akan dapat dihadam dengan sempurna. Ini akan membawa kepada keadaan gastrik dan jangkitan di dalam usus kita.
What is a Pedometer?
Posted by Unknown at 10:27 AM
Generally, this device is use by race walkers, fitness trainers, individuals who desires to shed off extra fat, or simply by anyone who wants to become motivated into living a more healthy life.
Do you know that:
• Walking 10,000 steps per day can greatly improve physical health
• People who walk fewer than 5,000 steps each day are more likely to be overweight while those who take more than 9,000 steps daily are more likely to be of normal weight.
• People who used a pedometer were more likely to add about 2,000 steps to the number they walked each day before using a pedometer
• It is necessary to be physically active for at least 2½ hours a week in order to stay fit, and walking is one of the activities that can help accomplish that goal
A pedometer helps you stay fit, healthy and lead a more energetic lifestyle. So what are you waiting for? You can simply buy an Omron Digital Premium Pedometer online today via to get the lowest price and the best value for your money. Act now and live a healthy lifestyle!
Tags: Health Products
Everyday Activities To Lose Weight!
Posted by Unknown at 4:52 AM
Do you know that our everyday activities such as sleeping, watching television or even reading also contribute towards losing weight (even if only for a few calories)? Well, after surfing into various health webites/blogs, I have list down several activities that most of us do each day. Then, you can make use of the list to calculate how much you are burning fats or calories even while doing the simplest chores. But before you continue reading, one more important fact that you should know is that calories amounts listed below are only an estimation. It doesn’t take individual characteristics into account such as gender, weight, age and muscle mass.
Activities / Calories Used
1. Sleeping – 60 calories/per hr
2. Pushing a cart up and down the supermarket aisles – 243 calories/per hr
3. Eating (sitting down) - 70calories /30-min
4. Kissing – 36 calories/30-min
5. Reading/Sitting/Watching TV – 75 calories/ per hr
6. Doing computer work and some other brain work – 110 calories/ per hr
7. Folding clothes – 30calories/ 30-min
8. Taking a bath - 65calories/ 15-min
9. Driving (in moderate to heavy traffic) – 120 calories/ per hr
10. Sewing (using a sewing machine) – 80 calories/ per hr
11. House painting – 1,026 calories/ per 3 hr
12. Sexual intercourse - 108 calories/ per hr
13. Riding bicycle - 108 calories/ per hr
14. Ironing – 153 calories/ per hr
15. Walking – 130 calories/ per hr
16. Shopping (mall) – 135 calories/ per hr
17. Shopping (grocery) – 90 calories/ per hr
18. Ballroom dancing – 145 calories/ per hr
19. Dusting (house) – 80 calories/ 30-min
20. Standing in line – 100 calories / per hr
21. Stretching – 230 calories / per hr
22. Horseback Riding – 130 calories / per hr
23. Swimming (continously) – 130 calories / per hr
24. Playing skateboards – 275 calories / per hr
25. Cooking – 228 calories / per hr
26. Aerobic Dance (low impact) – 385 calories / per hr
27. Aerobic Dance (high impact) – 440 calories / per hr
28. Step Aerobic – 400 calories / 30-min
29. Professional bowling – 400 calories / 30-min
30. Playing badminton – 345 calories / per hr
31. Playing squash – 650 calories / per hr
32. Jogging (5 miles) – 600 calories / 30-min
33. Jump rope – 480 calories / per hr
34. Washing dishes – 153 calories / per hr
35. Talking (on the phone) / Reading – 72 calories / per hr
36. Washing car – 100 calories / 30-min
A Few Useful Tips before starting on a diet
Posted by Unknown at 4:50 AM
Before going on a diet, there are several tips or guidelines that you should adhere to, just so that you WILL able to see visible results after doing all of that tough dieting stuffs. Listed below are some of the basic tips that you can follow before starting your diet regime:
• Drink plenty of plain water because water is essential for your diet as well as for good health. Plus, water doesn’t contain any calorie. Drink at least 8 full glass of water daily. Avoid alcoholic drink
• While shopping for food product, learn to read the food labels pasted on the product. This labels informs you about nutrition information contain in each product. Be sure to buy product which has less calories and fat.
• Try not to eat at night time or before going to sleep. But, if you’re a night time-eater, remember to eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep
• Stop eating before you feel full. Don’t continue eating just because you want to finish the leftover. Remember this saying, “Eat to live, not live to eat”
• Exercise regularly. Try to do a at least a 30-minute workout each day. Exercise combines with cutting down on fat will make you see the difference within a few months.
• Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables and grains. Avoid fatty foods such as fast foods, frozen foods, donuts, cakes ….and the list goes on and on…
• Don’t eat meals while at the same time you are doing some other activities e.g., watching TV, reading newspaper, listening to music and etc. Take a time to enjoy your eating while doing nothing. Eat slowly and do it while sitting down, not standing, thus your attention would be more focus on a single activity.
• You can eat up to 5-6 healthy meals per day, each in a SMALLER portion, that is. Eating many meals a day can help boost your metabolism which in turn can burn more calories. Do not let your body starve
• Avoid frying your food, instead try baking, steaming, stewing, broiling or roasting. This method of cooking will help remove fat
• Don’t ever skip breakfast because that meal is the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast is good for weight loss. Skipping breakfast will make you feel tired and hungry and tends to make you consume more food during lunch time
Does night eating makes you gain extra weight?
Posted by Unknown at 4:47 AM
To tell you the truth, this one question was constantly playing on my mind time and again (partly because I am one of those individuals who have a tendency to munch on a snack or two at midnight ).. So, I’ve decided to do a little bit of research to unveil this significant issue. And what do you know, I finally came up with this conclusion, ‘eating at night doesn’t necessarily make you fat’ . But anyway, you have to take into consideration that this just my conclusion, your own research results may vary.
You may be wondering about why I dare to make such a statement? Well, I will share with you about what I’ve learned so far:
Why night eating makes us gain weight?
- our body metabolism is at its lowest peak at night, therefore the food we consume at night will be slowly digested, then store in the body as extra fat
- our metabolism is slowest while we are sleeping
- if we are less active at night, then we will burn fewer calories
- needless to say, we will gain extra weight if we consume a large meal with a high level of carbs intake just before to going to bed
Why night eating may not make us gain weight?
- there are other primary factors to consider such as our calorie intake and energy balance for the day. If you are caloric deficit (meaning, if your body lacks calorie for the day), you may as well lose fat while eating at night!
- fat loss is speed up if you eat less at night (meaning, we can still eat at night!) and consume your last meal at least two hours before bedtime
- if we exercise or do a little bit of training before consuming any meal at night, the food we eat is very unlikely to be converted into fat because it will be use for our body recovery process (muscle repair and growth process)
- excess calories will be stored as fat over time, regardless of whether they are taken in during the day or night
All in all, I’ve concluded that our meal timing is not important, be it in the morning, evening or night, because the only vital thing to consider in order to lose weight is to take in just enough calories which your body requires daily. If you consume more calories that your body burns in a day, well, then you will likely to gain extra weight, no matter what time you consume your food!
Posted by Unknown at 4:41 AM
Well, KLIBF 2009 is baaacckk! I’m sooo excited..I am a ardent fan of this event. I have been going to this event each year now, making this an annual event for me. I just love books…don’t you? When I am surrounded with books, I feel so ecstatic and overwhelming. I don’t know how to describe my feeling…
Anyway, this year’s lavish book fair is held at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC, KL), like always. It’s open from 17th April - 26th April, 10 am- 9 pm everyday (including public holidays). You can visit it’s website for more information –>
Is there any book enthusiastic like me out there? Feel free to leave a comment. I will probably go there myself this Friday. C U There!
Tags: General
My Health Blog And Then Some…
Posted by Unknown at 4:30 AM
Hi, welcome to my blog…my first blog, actually, because it’s high time for me to learn blogging like everyone else out there. Let me tell you a bit about this blog. Like it’s name above, I’m making this my ultimate health blog. I’m not a pro, but I like to read about anything which centers around health such as diets, exercise, medicine, vitamins, healthy food and etc…And I think it’s time for me to jot down all the useful tips and articles I’ve read and learned about our health. Let’s say I’m making this my health journal. Why not share all the good things about staying healthy, right?
But, mind you, that this not just another health blog, because I also included a few other interesting sections such as song lyrics, movies, books, techs, and etc…There’s a little bit of everything for everybody…(I hope… )
Apart from that, I’m also hoping to get feedbacks from all of you about my blog…As I’ve said earlier, this IS my first time blogging, and I’m sure would love it if someone would take their time to comment about this blog (e.g. about the content, theme, and etc… ) to make it a better blog…
Last but not least, I will treat this blog as my personal journal and I will try my hardest to make it as interesting as it can be. .. Well, enough with my intro.. READ ON AND ENJOY…!
Tags: General
Get to know your Body Type!
Posted by Unknown at 9:15 AM
– have a round and soft physique and much of the mass is store in the belly area
– big bones, round face, thick writs, wide hips, slow metabolism
– body fat is easily stored, thus this body type have a high number of fat cells, making fat loss even more difficult
– have a tendency to gain weight very easily and finds it hard to lose it
– the best diet for this body fat is to burn fat effectively by increasing metabolism rate and perform exercise within the target heart rate zone but for a longer period, and consume vegetables and fruits regularly
– not skinny or fat; have muscular body
– have well-defined muscles, large bones, wide shoulders and small waist
– this body type is usually athletic and hard body with a low body fat percentage
- the bones and muscles of the head are prominent
- have an increased metabolism, unlike endomorphs
- have an excellent posture, mature muscle mass and gains muscle easily
- have a thin and linear appearance, with light bones, slight muscle and small joints
- generally have long neck, fingers, and toes
- skins skin tends to burn easily.
- narrow shoulders, waist and hip
- low body fat and have trouble gaining weight due to very high metabolism rate
- lightly muscled and takes longer to gain muscle